Gerardo Zamudio about Linux, open source, and Internet

Secure Banking

Earlier this week I tried to sign up for my local bank’s online banking feature. I put aside the fact that they charge you for using it and proceeded to fill in the required information. The problem came when I tried to set a password.

Estimado cliente:

La clave de acceso debe ser alfanumérica, no se permiten acentos, o símbolos especiales (#, &, ?, etc.) ni más de 2 caracteres consecutivos (123 o abc), tampoco más de 2 caracteres idénticos consecutivos (111 o aaa).

Estimado cliente, en su pregunta no se permiten caracteres especiales ni la letra ñ.

The text says that I’m not allowed to use any special characters. This also applies to the secret question I was trying to set (this means I cannot end the question with ‘?’). The passwords are also limited to 10 characters. Way to go, Mexican banks.